In-Person Healing Session
In-person energy healing, chakra balance and reiki session
Service Description
No two sessions are the same. Energy Healing, Chakra balancing and Reiki: Before starting I create a scared healing space and clear and bless the area. I start each healing session by reading your 7 main chakras with the help of a pendulum. Each chakra can read one of seven ways; reverse, negative, blocked, past, future, almost and balanced. The closer to balanced you are the better the chakra can do its job of drawing in life force energy and distributing it to the related parts of your body and organs etc. If the reading is anything less than almost or balanced then you are shutting off the flow of life force energy and beginning to run on adrenal energy which leads to fatigue and dis-ease. As I am doing this, my body can sense the client's pains and blockages, and with the help of Inna Segal's book "The secret language of your body", I am able to pinpoint the emotional issue surrounding this pain. A lot of our physical pains are just manifestations of unresolved emotional trauma. Once the initial reading is done I balance each chakra, again I can become aware of more aches and pains which can lead to a more traditional Reiki session of placing hands where needed. At times the spirit of past over loved ones of the client can come through and offer support/guidance etc. Once all seven chakras are balanced I carry out a clearing of all impurities and blood, while doing this if there is more placing of hands needed to be done I will sense and do this. I close off the session by cutting all cords of attachment that no longer serve the client, and between myself and the client also.
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